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Rules are set of defined instructions you set which will be applied to transactions.

Consider you are managing a financial application that handles various transactions. You might set up rules to decide whether to approve, reject, or review transactions based on different criteria.


Here are the typical actions that can be applied to your rule:

  • Approve transactions
  • Reject transactions
  • Move transactions to review

Typical Rules:

Here are some examples of some rules:

  1. Transaction Amount

    • Scenario: You want to automatically review any transaction above 500,000 to ensure it's not fraudulent.
    • Rule: Review transactions where the amount is greater than 500,000.
  2. Payment Channel

    • Scenario: You want to reject transactions made through web channels for additional verification.
    • Rule: Reject transactions where the payment channel is "web."
  3. Device Type

    • Scenario: You have noticed a pattern of fraud coming from specific device types and want to monitor these more closely.
    • Rule: Review transactions where the device type is "iOS."
  4. Transaction Time

    • Scenario: High-risk transactions often occur late at night, and you want to review any transactions during these hours.
    • Rule: Review transactions where the transaction time is between 11:00 PM and 5:00 AM.
  5. Geographic Location

    • Scenario: Transactions from certain regions have higher fraud rates, so you want to rejectthose.
    • Rule: Reject transactions coming from "Lagos, Nigeria."
  6. Transaction Frequency

    • Scenario: Multiple high-value transactions within a short period might indicate fraud.
    • Rule: Review if there are more than 5 transactions above 100,000 within an hour.
  7. Account Status

    • Scenario: Accounts that were created recently might be used for fraudulent purposes.
    • Rule: Review transactions from accounts that were created within the last 30 days.
  8. Identity Verification

    • Scenario: Unverified accounts pose a higher risk.
    • Rule: Reject transactions from accounts where the identity is not verified.

....And lots more


To create and view rules, go to your dashboard, click Transaction Monitoring -> Rules --> Add Rule.

Our rules can satisfy most use cases, you can also reach out to us for a custom rule.