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Credit assessment is a system that helps manage loans and credit by simplifying the application and approval process. It evaluates a customer's financial stability and risk before granting credit. By examining spending history, bank statements, and past credit records, it ensures responsible lending by assessing the customer's ability to repay and their financial behavior.

How it works

  1. Submission:
  • You upload a bank statement from your dashboard for analysis and report generation.
  1. Webhook:
  • You receives a webhook indicating the status of your upload
  1. Reports:
  • Our AI processes your bank statement and generate various types of reports based on the processed data.
  1. Make Informed Decision 👌
  • Based off the reports generated for you, you can make informed decision with regards to credit worthiness of a user. We also show credit risk score and bank statement validity score.


Reports that Sigma will generate from the bank statement:

  1. Recent Transactions of the User

  2. User’s Credit Summary

  3. Spending Patterns/Categories

  4. Transaction Location Data

  5. Account Balance Summary

  6. Credit History

  • Past loan/credit received
  • Defaults and payments
  1. Credit Risk Percentage

  2. Bank Statement Validity


Sigma Process Flow