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Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) List

Sigma PEP list helps you spot people in important public roles, so you can better manage corruption and bribery risks.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive Data: Access a curated database containing information on individuals with notable public roles.

  • Real-time Screening: Integrate PEP screening seamlessly into your applications to ensure up-to-the-minute risk assessment.

  • Flexible Parameters: Customize your screening queries with parameters such as name, country, and more.


To run a pep list check for a person, you will make this request:


Method: POST
Endpoint: api/v1/aml/pep
Headers :

"apiKey" : [YOUR APP API_KEY],
"apiSecret" : [YOUR APP API_SECRET],
"Content-Type": "application/json"


"name": "Vladimir Putin",
"threshold": 85
nameStringThe name of the person to check for in the pep list
thresholdNumberA numeric value (0 to 100) representing the minimum confidence level for a match.


After submitting your request, the success response you will receive can be seen below:

"data": {
"name": "Vladimir Putin",
"threshold": 85,
"checkId": "30d9d6ee-802b-4c05-8844-2ba8e359a251",
"businessProfile": "64a6d6446b67960f0543b301"
"message": "Request Submitted successfully"
dataObjectContains information about the request
data.nameStringSame as in the request
data.thresholdStringSame as in the request
data.checkIdStringUnique id that we will send with the response back to you along with the results
data.businessProfileStringUnique id for your organization with us

Once your request is processed and a response is ready, a webhook will be sent to your pre-defined webhook URL.


Go to webhooks to setup your webhook see possible responses from the request