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Run Adverse Media Check


To run an adverse media check on an entity, you will make this request:


Method: POST
Endpoint: v1/adverse-media
Headers :

"apiKey" : [YOUR APP API_KEY],
"apiSecret" : [YOUR APP API_SECRET],
"Content-Type": "application/json"


"q": "Hushpuppi"
"limit": 20
qStringThe name of the entity to check for adverse media
limitIntThe max number of result


After submitting your request, the success response you will receive can be seen below:

"message": "Request created successfully. Result will be sent to your webhook",
"data": {
"id": "66a383f5a8bd4e3d7e84b2c2",
"query": "Hushpuppi",
"businessProfile": "65291e39e37760c80f2e351c",
"status": "pending",
"createdAt": "2024-07-26T11:09:41.803Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-07-26T11:09:41.803Z"
messageStringMessage from the server after hitting the request
dataObjectContains information about the request
data.idStringID of the request
data.businessProfileStringBusiness ID of the business
data.statusstringStatus of the request
data.createdAtstringDate the request was sent
data.updatedAtstringDate the request was updated

Once your request is processed and a response is ready, a webhook will be sent to your pre-defined webhook URL.


Go to webhooks to setup your webhook see possible responses from the request