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What is Sigma?

Sigma embodies a suite of AI/ML-powered solutions designed to combat fraud, assess creditworthiness and explore various applications within the financial services sector.

How does Sigma help?

Sigma adds value to your organization by providing the following:

Transaction MonitoringTransaction Monitoring service helps decrease instances of fraud in payment transactions.View
Credit AssessmentCredit Assessment enables the generation of trustworthiness scores for users by evaluating various unique parameters which helps in making informed lending decisions and mitigating risks for businesses.View
Anti Money (AML) ScreeningsAML specializes in detecting adverse media, identifying politically exposed persons (PEPs), and screening for sanctioned individuals.View
Adverse MediaSigma helps financial companies by performing adverse media checks to identify any negative or harmful information related to transactions they handle. This helps companies manage risks and ensure compliance by being aware of any potential issues linked to their transactions.View