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Webhook Signature

Webhook signatures are used to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the data received through webhooks.

When sending data via webhooks, a signature is generated using a secret key and attached to the HTTP headers.

A signature is sent alongside all webhooks sent from Sigma.

x-signature : {your-received-signature}

Before processing the payload of the webhook, always verify the signature.

How to verify Sigma signature

To verify Sigma signature from a received webhook, you have to generate the signature on your end and verify if that signature matches the signature sent in the webhook request you received.

To generate a signature, follow these steps:

  1. Concatenate API credentials:

    Concatenate your api with your api secret.
  2. Hash the Concatenated String:

    Use SHA-256 hashing algorithm to hash the concatenated string.
  3. Use the Result as the Signature:

    The hashed result should be the webhook signature.

To validate a signature, follow these steps:

  1. Retrieve Received Payload and Signature:

    Retrieve the payload and the signature from the HTTP headers of the incoming webhook request.
  2. Generate a Local Signature:

    Use the same process described above to generate a local signature from the received payload using your API credentials.
  3. Compare Local and Received Signatures:

    Compare the locally generated signature with the received signature. If they match, the webhook data is valid.


const crypto = require("crypto");

// Your secret key for generating and verifying signatures
const hashSecret = "{your-api-key}{your-secret-key}";
// Example: 80a2dc85-1o0s-4405-8cc4-08c1f457011b5b5e4b16-4f22-45d2-9poc-5e4e60915719

// Received webhook payload and signature from the request headers
const businessId =
"{your-business-id}"; /* Extract business ID from webhook page on Sigma dashbard */
const receivedSignature =
"{your-received-signature}"; /* Extract signature from request headers */

// Function to generate a signature for a given payload
function generateSignature(payload: string) {
const hmac = crypto.createHmac("sha256", hashSecret);
return hmac.digest("hex");

// Validate the received signature
const generatedSignature = generateSignature(businessId);

if (generatedSignature === receivedSignature) {
"Webhook signature is valid. Proceed with processing the payload."
// Now you can safely parse the received payload and process the webhook.
} else {
console.log("Webhook signature is invalid. Do not process the payload.");